Pocket E-book
Building Safe and Smart Movements in Pilates

Learn how to build movements in all directions, increase your repertoire of pre-pilates exercises, without relying on expensive equipment

… and get more resources and analytical capacity to work with more fragile people.


All professionals who have high-level results with their students know well how to build movements safely and intelligently. If you want to increase your repertoire, and succeed with the evolution of your students, don't neglect this material!

In this ebook “Building Safe and Smart Movements” you will learn:

cap 1

Principles and foundations of your organization in Pilates.

cap 2

Pilates method movement techniques

Basic principles of kinesiology for the construction of movements

The winding (Bending spinal)

Straightening (spinal extensions)

Twist (spinal rotation)

Lower unit (what to do and how to prepare the student)

Higher unit (what to do and how to prepare the student)

A material with rich bibliographic sources, images and color photos for you to evolve and master once and for all building movements in Pilates. 
+ Safety for your student, + repertoire, + confidence and results for you!

*Picture for illustrative purposes only. Digital product delivered electronically.


Who is Alexandre Luzzi

CEO and owner of the Taiken Classic Pilates School, Creator of the Classic Pilates training “Jornada Clássica”, Creator of the “Evolution” certification that has already certified hundreds of professionals throughout Brazil. It has more than 500 students spread across Brazil and the world. Certified in Classic Pilates with Dorothe Vandewalle, at Metropolitan Pilates – Seattle (WA).

Today, Alex Luzzi is a national reference in Classical Pilates and helps physical educators, physiotherapists and instructors to build smarter and more assertive classes, be more autonomous and have a logical repertoire of original Pilates movements within the needs of students.


This product does not guarantee the achievement of results. Any reference to the performance of a strategy should not be interpreted as a guarantee of results.

Copyrigth 2022 – Janderson Santos – All Right Reserved